Face Masks
PLEASE NOTE: Stock of Face Masks is limited and we do not have the capacity to respond to requests for specific fabric designs. Please also note that masks are being made with a variety of internal layers due to using what is currently available. If you order is urgent please source masks from an alternative supplier. Thank you!
One Family At A Time are making face masks. Three layers of fabric plus elastic for ear positioning.
- Three layers of fabric (cotton x 2 and inner layer of silk)
- Masks are $10.00 each + plus postage ($12.50)
- ALL proceeds going DIRECTLY to our First 1000 Days program supporting women and their newborn infants!
Please note: These face masks are NOT a replacement for medical-grade Personal Protective Equipment. Where medical-grade Personal Protective Equipment is recommended or required, please consult medical and health professionals. The decision to use this mask is SOLELY your own. Please also remember to continue to follow all Australian Govt guidelines including hand hygiene and social distancing.